MediaOCD Web Store
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About Us
Since 2011, MediaOCD has prided itself on producing excellent Blu-ray and other media products. We've released over 1,300 retail discs, countless digital cinema and streaming deliveries, and restored dozens of classic movies and series for modern presentations.
In 2024, we launched our own in-house publishing division for classic indie films, Whole Grain Pictures.
Then, we acquired the oldest anime distributor in the Western world, AnimEigo.
Let us know how we can help you.

Got a question? Own the rights to a classic indie film you're
looking to resurrect? Or a post-production project for us?
Hit us up here, and we'll get back to you ASAP!
For help with defective discs, please contact the retailer you bought it from. (That might be us!)
For wholesale inquiries on AnimEigo and WGP titles, please contact MVD Entertainment.
(Sorry, wholesale is not available for Discotek Media.)